The wife of the husband who drank knew how great a disaster it was for the whole family. Moreover, not only two people who once loved each other suffer, but also their children. All the dreams and plans built up early in family life were shattered. Usually, after several unsuccessful attempts to force her husband not to drink, a woman makes the only right decision according to her - to divorce. Still, do not rush, because the person next to you used to be kind, cheerful and loving, for whom you fell in love. Because your husband isn’t always an alcoholic, it’s a good idea to help him. There are many ways to make a husband stop drinking. But first of all, you need to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it. This is the only way to ensure that any method of combating alcoholism will give the expected results.
The cause of husband's alcoholism

Even if the husband is drunk until close people and family are brought down into the background, you can’t stop that person. If you identify the cause of the disease correctly, addiction can be overcome.
Your husband may be drinking alcohol for the following reasons:
- Do not underestimate the power of descent. If a person’s father suffers from alcoholism, then the chances of this disease are high for him. However, hereditary factors themselves cannot provoke alcoholism, as this kind of encouragement is needed in the form of problems, problems in the family, drinking environment.
- Persistent problems in family life. Usually, married couples have the same father, so they unknowingly choose a husband who is already addicted or has the conditions for it to happen. Moreover, such women themselves provoke their husbands to drink alcohol with constant reprimands, permanent control. By giving up the husband’s opportunity to be the head of the family, they push him into the abyss of alcoholism, because that’s where most of these men find a way out and reassurance.
- If your boyfriend or husband is not able to fulfill their desires fully, then this can be addictive. Usually, such people suppress feelings of dissatisfaction with alcohol, as a result of which a bad craving for alcohol arises.
- Often, great grief can be the cause of alcoholism. If the pain of losing a loved one or a loved one is very strong, then a man, to drown it out, can start drinking alcohol.
- For some men who have a hereditary predisposition to alcoholism, the type of people around them is very important. If his friends or co-workers frequently consume alcoholic beverages, over time he may become addicted and start drinking vodka regularly.
- For some people, alcohol is an opportunity to draw attention to oneself. Usually, such alcoholism is typical for teenagers, but adults should not be an exception.
- Some men, using alcohol, try to get rid of the mental pain that arises as a result of intimate problems or incurable diseases.

What can a wife do?

If you want to know how to make your husband stop drinking, then you should follow the following recommendations:
- You cannot scandalize and criticize your husband. By shouting and arguing, you will only make matters worse.
- At first, you need to be patient and stop noticing your husband’s alcoholism. Once you can accept the situation, it will be easier for you to concentrate and start looking for the cause. Remember everything from the first day drunk.
- May the house always be calm and quiet, surround your husband with care and attention. If he is not rushing home after work, but relaxing with friends for a drink, let it be warm and cozy at home, it smells like a delicious dinner. This will make your life partner rush home after work.
- Show interest in your partner’s life and work. Involve her unobtrusively in childcare and household duties. However, it is important to know that repetitive and repetitive work will not help your husband stop drinking. It is important that his work attracts and distracts from the thought of alcohol.
- No need to persuade him not to drink on the weekends. It is better to organize your own interesting and rich leisure activities for the whole family. The time you spend together at the entertainment center or outside the home will give positive emotions to the husband and help you relax without alcohol. As a result, you should not force him not to drink, because he himself will appreciate how good life is without alcohol.
- Before you convince your husband to stop drinking, you should reduce his relationship with a drinking partner until there is nothing. If you’re guessing about the upcoming holiday, keep your partner away from him with a more seductive offer that he can’t refuse.
- While convincing believers not to drink, keep in mind that some men drink due to lack of hobbies and boredom. If you find a hobby or hobbies interesting for your partner, then he himself will stop drinking.

As a rule, you can persuade your husband not to drink and you can use our recommendations with normal household intoxication or if someone suffers from first -degree alcoholism. With the help of our tips, you can divert your partner’s attention to other aspects of life, allowing him or her to forget about addiction. However, if the disease progresses and has reached a more serious level, it is very difficult for a man to stop drinking. In this case, it is better to seek help from a specialist.
Rules of conduct with an alcoholic husband

If you want to understand how a wife can make her husband stop drinking without expert help, start with yourself. Your right behavior will create a fertile ground for overcoming addiction:
- Stop sheltering the believer and don’t solve the problems that arise with him because of his own drunkenness. Otherwise, your concern will become something normal and obligatory for him, and in such a situation he does not want to change anything. Don’t make excuses and apologize for his bad behavior from friends and management. He had to solve these problems himself, as they arose because of his fault. You don’t have to put him to bed and take off his clothes if he comes home drunk as an insole. Let him sleep anywhere, until in the morning he can count how drunk he is.
- Often, if a wife tries to force her husband to stop drinking, she blackmails him by leaving the family. Don’t pay attention to such threats, because the drinker will just be afraid to make important decisions. This is normal extortion, nothing more than that.
- Usually, the person who makes you stop drinking often thinks about the drinking partner’s needs in life until he or she forgets about himself or herself. It's not right. Don’t stop taking care of yourself, do your favorite hobby. This can help boost your partner's self -esteem. Then the man who drinks will not want to lose his beautiful and confident wife and can decide to stop drinking.
- If your partner is experiencing symptoms of intoxication or withdrawal, you should not buy him a bottle of beer to drink. This is when you have a chance to make him stop drinking. But before you convince your partner to stop drinking alcohol, offer him or her help and assistance to get rid of the taboo with home treatment or medications. In this situation, one will agree to any help and will agree to everything.
- When believers are conscious, they are serious about the treatment of alcohol addiction. Don't agree to his promise to stop drinking on his own. Tell him that you will only stay with him if he starts recovering from the addiction.
Treatment at home
If you have found a way to force your husband not to drink, then you will need help, because in the beginning the desire alone is not enough, you need to overcome psychological dependence. The following methods can be used to combat addiction:
- Medicine. While we are not talking about injection or ampoule coding methods, you should consult your doctor before taking special pills or drops for alcohol. The problem is that any drug has its own contraindications. Therefore, it is very important to know the condition of the patient's body. Only a doctor can choose an effective medicine that will help her husband stop drinking and will not have a negative effect on the body.
- Harder coding methods involve inserting an ampoule with the drug under the skin, which causes alcohol intolerance or suppresses the feeling of pleasure from consuming alcoholic beverages. Such coding is performed only by the narcologist with the written consent of the patient. The coding period can be from 6 months to 5 years. The procedure can be performed three times. If the coding is done with a drug that causes alcohol intolerance, then instead of consuming alcohol in small doses, the patient may experience serious health problems (to death).
- Hypnotic coding is appropriate for the recommended patient. It is very important that they themselves agree to this procedure and trust the doctor completely. To get a lasting effect, several sessions are needed.
- People's method. This includes not only herbal treatments, but also the use of various conspiracies, prayers. For such treatments, you can contact a traditional healer or perform your own procedures and rituals.
- Sometimes acupuncture is used to induce rejection of alcohol. Due to the effect on the bioactive point, alcohol rejection persists. For treatment, you need to go through the entire session. This technique is very effective in preventing relapse.